But, see, that's the thing. I've been hanging out a lot with a 5-(now 6-)year-old and his 2-(now 3-)year old sister and their amazing daddy. They are my world, and they share my heart only with their Creator.
Time is of the essence, my friends, and I never have enough of it.
So anyway, several people have asked me where I get recipes, what foods I make for myself and for my family, what my kitchen necessities are, what my workouts look like and how I fit them in, etc. More and more I am discovering a passion for helping people to live their healthiest lives, and I am bursting with ideas to share and a joy that comes with the ignition of a passion as well as discovering how to help myself feel better than I have before.
My spiritual self is even more of a work in progress than my physical self, however. I want to know God more, to love Him more, to trust Him more...I just want more of Him. I don't believe that you can ever live at your full potential if you neglect your spiritual health...in fact, I would even venture to say that your relationship with God is at the root of your total health and well-being.
Okay, that was kind of a tangent. But I wanted to share my heart. I don't have all the answers and I never will. I am not an expert in anything. I learn through my own experience (trial and error!), through the words, experiences, and expertise of others, and through listening to the Voice in my heart, the One Who has been there through it all and Who always will be! Just wanted to be honest about where I'm coming from!
And those other posts? They will be up, hopefully sooner rather than later! I've actually already got a good picture feed going on my meals and even a screenshot of a typical grocery list (exciting stuff, right there!). Until then, here's a mini collage of some meals lately!
Yep! See? The photography skills of a 5-year-old!
P.S. Have I mentioned how much I love pancakes? Especially grain-free pancakes? I could give at least 5 posts just to those!
As far as my workouts, for the last 6 1/2 weeks, I have been doing Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp (for more information on that, go here). It is a $25 online bootcamp with 5 days of workouts laid out for you over 8 weeks. The workouts include cardio and strength-training, and ALL can be modified to do at home! They get progressively harder each week and I'm in the 7th week now. I would encourage anyone to do this bootcamp. You can't beat the price, the online support, and it can be modified for any fitness level!
Anyway, here are some fitness pics too, just for fun ;)
Okay, friends, that's what I've got for today. Keep up with me on Instagram @brookeeking and on Twitter @milkandhoneyfds. I'll let you know on there when I post again, but hopefully it will be soon!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please share!
hope you day is blessed!